It’s November! And that means it is time to pause and take a moment to count your blessings.
When it comes to my art business, I am most thankful for my tribe. My network of amazing people that help me keep my crazy life together. I highly recommend everyone find a tribe. With that said I never thought of myself as a person who needed a tribe, so I came about mine by accident.
When I moved from Ohio to North Carolina I did not know anyone. I had to find ways to make myself explore a new state and make new friends. I started going to local art galleries and visiting art fairs. Then I started attending local art groups. It was around this time that my girls where both in school and I was starting to think about getting back into my art.
Meeting other working artists at these art groups helped me focus on becoming a working artist myself. I was given invaluable insight into what shows to enter, how to best present my work, and feedback on my work. I have not only gained a wealth of knowledge from these individuals but many of them have become close friends. We attend each other’s show openings, help each other out at art festivals and cheer each other on during the ups and downs of running our art businesses. I am truly thankful for everyone that has helped me along the way.
I truly believe that finding your tribe is a very organic process. You must be open to finding those individuals that will help you thrive on your journey as an artist.
So, one last big thank you! To all the people that have helped me stay focused and made this year a wonderful one.