Welcome 2020!
With the start of a new year I always like to set a few goals for the new year. Scary I know but as artists we need to push ourselves and grow. If we don't, not only will our work stay the same, but I personally run the risk of becoming bored. So, in the spirit of self growth here are "the challenges"... er "goals" I have set for the new year.
First goal, learn a new art skill. I have been wanting to learn about how to make and bind books. So, expect next month's blog to be about my experience in book making class. Nothing is more humbling then being a student learning a new skill. I feel it makes me a better teacher and it gives me an opportunity to sit and observe how others teach.
Second goal, participate in an art show out of state. So this is a goal that has been on my list for a few years, but I have never worked on it because of fear. It takes a lot of time and money upfront to participate in art shows. So the farther I have to travel and the bigger the show the more risk it is. But this year I have been working on overcoming this fear and have applied to a show in Richmond, Virginia. I’m hopeful that this endeavor will be a positive one, I will let you know.
And my last goal, which is painting larger. As a encaustic painter I have never really worked on what most artists would consider large canvases. I love working small and it is easier to afford wood panels and paints with smaller paintings. But this year I want to push myself so I will be working on a 30in x 40in wood panel. Full disclosure it is currently siting in the corner of my studio striking dread in my heart every time I look at it, all that white space to cover. Hey! Go big or go home right?
I’m excited and nervous for what 2020 holds. I would love to hear what goals and challenges you have set for yourself. Feel free to let me know and have a wonderful 2020.